St. Paul's Family Retreat - "For Signs and For Seasons"

SAVE THE DATE Saturday, August 3, 2024 will be St. Paul’s first ever family retreat.

8:00 am Arrive/Register
8:30 am Matins
9:30 am Kids' Presentation - Solar System
10:15 am Snack
10:30 am Family Craft on God's solar system
11:15 am Faith and Science 1 / Kids outdoor play
12:30 pm Lunch (provided)
1:30 pm Faith and Science 2 / Kids outdoor play
2:45 pm Fellowship/Ice Cream Social
3:45 pm Vespers
Should end by  4:30 pm

Our Speaker - Dr. Paul Edmon
Dr. Paul Edmon is from Seattle, Washington and now resides in Boston, Massachusetts. He has his B.S. in Physics from the University of Washington in 2004 and Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the University of Minnesota in 2010. He is professional staff at Harvard University and acts as liaison between Center for Astrophysics and Research Computing. He attends First Lutheran Church of Boston. He was elected to the Concordia Seminary St. Louis Board of Regents in 2016. Paul has given presentations to both children and adults on astronomy, the vocation of a scientist, and the intersection of faith and science. 

Retreat Registration Form